Touchless COVID-19 Check-In Procedure Helps Complete Crewing Get Productions Back on Track
The second half of 2020 isn’t just about getting back to work – it’s about getting back to work safely and intelligently, following all necessary guidelines so that employees and customers stay healthy. As part of Complete Crewing’s COVID-19 safety procedures, we are using a touchless check-in and survey system for all production and labor projects that we support.
The software solution used by all our expert safety and production crew is web-based so that no users need to download an app. It supports health screening and contact tracing so that, in the event of a positive test post-production, follow-up is quick and efficient. It consists of an online form for all users to self-verify that they are healthy and haven’t been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19, as well as a form to collect the aforementioned contact information.
The verification form is customizable, which gives Complete Crewing the ability to ask the specific questions that we need to ask as an event-staffing agency. Thanks to the non-app format of the solution, our touchless check-in procedure can be accessed by all crew members quickly as soon as they arrive onsite, which allows us to streamline the check-in process while still reinforcing an environment of safety and health. As we take all security very seriously, we can also assure all production and event sites that the solution keeps all data private and secure.
We know that the pandemic situation is still one of occasional confusion and change. As guidelines and resources continue to evolve, Complete Crewing is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest best practices, adapting our crews and processes as new technologies and policies appear on-scene.
In addition to our touchless check-in procedure, we want to provide some more information on our COVID-19 Compliance Officers (C19CO).
Pre-and Post-Production Duties
The duties of a C19CO go beyond onsite monitoring of your event. Your C19CO will work with your producer or technical director ahead of your production to help manage your crew numbers and schedule in a way that minimizes risk; this is one reason why it’s so important to have a C19CO who understands your industry! They’ll work with you and your site/location/venue to form a plan for check-in, make recommendations on break spaces that meet distancing guidelines, and make sure that you understand your obligations to those that enter your site.
Onsite, the C19CO will provide a limited amount of PPE as a default- masks, individually packaged hand sanitizer, extra sets of nitrile gloves, face shields, etc. As we mentioned previously, they will monitor all check-in processes using our touchless solution, and work with your crew and cleaning staff to ensure all high touch surfaces are adequately sanitized and all shared equipment is sanitized prior to and after each use. After each day, your C19CO will send you a report of the day’s events as they unfolded. As well as the information found here, this report will include follow-up information and steps that would be necessary for positive test results in different departments.
It’s important to think of the C19CO not as simply another position, but as another department head. This position should not be in addition to other duties; it is a full-time job. C19COs are the first position in and the last one to leave every day of your production. They need to be able to focus fully on their responsibilities, and should be someone that will hold you accountable and save you money in the long run (yes, from potential lawsuits), as well as partners that you can rely on to do their jobs without fear of reprisal.
It’s strongly recommended that a C19CO comes from a neutral third party rather than your organization – or worse, from a venue that does not hold your interests above their own. The C19CO should have no special interests except for a deep focus on public safety. We also recommend working with a company rather than a freelancer. If your C19CO has an emergency or can’t provide services due to a positive test result or symptoms before or during your production, a company can more easily ensure the hand-off of duties to another compliance officer for seamless transition.
The benefits of a C19CO are profound. On top of being a layer of protection for your organization in the event of an outbreak, the C19CO is an onsite enforcer who will demand that your production adhere to the strictest guidelines possible while helping you complete the work that you need to in the safest way possible. They’ll show your stakeholders – your clients, crew, and others in the industry – that you take the COVID-19 threat seriously and that a return to work is possible because of companies like you. They’ll keep you up-to-date with regulatory changes and help you make adjustments to better plan for compliance, especially in states where guidelines shift based on positive cases. Your C19CO is your partner and your best friend.
If you have any questions on staffing an event, finding the best C19CO possible, or our touchless check-in solution, please reach out. Complete Crewing is a trusted and experienced event-staffing agency, and we are happy to help you in any way that we can. Stay safe and stay healthy.